Gravity Gear
Client from: April 2021-PRESENT *Brand New Client!*
Who are they: Outdoor & Sporting Goods Company providing Skydive Gear, BASE Gear, Paragliding Gear and Lifestyle Gear.
Our job:
- Marketing x Organic social media development and management (with integrated content creation) for Instagram and Facebook. Customer engagement, Email marketing services using Shopify, business reviews across all platforms, customer service maintenance, SEO & Google Ad services.
- All Creative Services x Content Creation
Strategy: Organic Marketing. Gravity Gear is an OG industry leader that recently became an online store front. We are focusing on driving consumers to their online product catalog. Because Gravity Gear is already well known in the industry, we are coming up with new ways to spread the online brand. Gravity Gear’s content messaging is simple while staying true to the original brand. We showcase the personality, voice and character of Bonnie and Gravity Gear through the ages. We focus on engaging with each follower, and vetting accounts (vs. having 1000 bot accounts that front popularity.) We believe smart customer service builds a good rapport from our loyal customers; giving us a valuable foundation for returning customers. We don’t do corporate cookie cutter, it’s all real transparent organic marketing.
Favorite campaigns:
- Free Shit Friday social media contest: Every Friday Gravity Gear gives an item away free!
- C-XRW Team Sponsorhip
@gravitygear on Instagram and Facebook