Skydive Chesapeake
Client from: 2020-PRESENT
Who are they: Skydive Chesapeake is a Veteran-owned drop zone operated by a collection of professional skydivers. Previously owned by Skydive Delmarva and relaunched to Skydive Chesapeake! Solo and Tandem Skydiving In Maryland!
Our job:
- Marketing x Organic social media development and management (with integrated content creation) for Instagram and Facebook. Customer engagement, Email marketing services using Mailchimp, business reviews across all platforms, and customer service maintenance.
- All Creative Services x Content Creation
Strategy: Organic Marketing x Design, target & retargeting. Skydive Chesapeake is a small skydiving dropzone. In an extreme sport, word of mouth is most important. We target new local customers by retargeting our current customers. Through basic gorilla marketing and online marketing – our frequent jumpers, staff and peers help us spread the word of our promos, events and more, while we build a bigger online presence. We opted to focus on building loyal customers vs. a large following (who are most likely not consumers.) We believe smart customer service builds a good rapport from our loyal customers; giving us a valuable foundation for returning customers. We focus on engaging with each follower, and vetting accounts (vs. having 1000 bot accounts that front popularity.) We also focus on tailored content with clear messaging that would cause a response from our consumers. Skydive Chesapeake still runs as an OG Dropzone and we love showcasing that personality in their marketing.
Favorite campaigns:
- 2021 Weekday 10% Off AFF Eblast Campaign
@skydivechesapeake Facebook and Instagram